KYC Filing in vadapalani - Filingpoint

Welcome to Filingpoint  KYC Filing  in legal  Expert +91 72999 72500

Whether you are a new director or a disqualified one, Filingpoint KYC filing is an important compliance requirement to comply with. The process is simple and involves submitting Form DIR-3 KYC to the MCA online. It's essential to be aware of the application procedure and deadlines in order to avoid penalties. In this blog post, we will dive into the application process and help you understand the importance of this crucial obligation.

DIR-3 KYC is an e form filled by directors with their basic information which is verified through OTP send to the director's mobile number and email ID. It is mandatory for all directors to file this e form every year before 30 September. It's also advisable to keep the information updated from time to time so as to not face any issues later on.

To submit DIR-3 KYC, you must have a digital signature certificate. The e-form can be filed through the MCA 21 portal or directly through the MCA website. Once the form is filled, an SRN will be generated which you can use for further coordination with the MCA. Once the form is approved, you will receive an email with a receipt.

Unless the DIN holder updates his/her personal mobile number or email address via e-form DIR-3 KYC, he/she will need to file a separate e-form DIR-6 for changing any other details. It must be noted that non-resident directors will not be able to provide an Indian mobile number or email ID.

Contact Filingpoint KYC Filing Expert in Vadapalani +91 72999 72500
