LEI Registration in Nungambakkam - Filingpoint

Welcome to Filingpoint LEI Registration  in legal Expert +91 72999 72500

The Filingpoint Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character code assigned to legal entities participating in regulated financial transactions globally. The LEI improves the ability to identify and accurately report on these entities' activities, making it easier for regulators to analyze and monitor the risks to financial stability. The LEI is also a key component of the new global standards for reference data, which is being used by the financial industry to streamline and standardize the information they report on themselves and their operations.

The Global LEI System was developed as a public good by the Group of 20, the Financial Stability Board, and other organizations representing the world's largest economies and regulatory authorities. It is supported by a global network of partners, LEI issuers (often referred to as LOUs) that provide registration and renewal services and that validate the reference data that underlies each LEI. Only organizations duly accredited by GLEIF to operate within the Global LEI System are authorized to issue LEIs.

Choosing the right provider for your LEI is important. While low-cost or cheap LEI options may exist, these providers do not offer the same level of quality and security as a trusted provider. Using a low-quality or unreliable provider could lead to serious issues down the road.

The prices shown for initial LEI registration and renewal are inclusive of the fee charged by the GLEIF to verify the reference data upon issuance of the LEI and at each yearly re-certification. This is a common practice amongst LEI providers and should be taken into consideration when selecting the best option for your business.

Contact Filingpoint LEI Registration Expert +91 72999 72500

